Readings by WanderingFreeSpirit
This mini-session is great for those who have a specific question(s) regarding working with spiritual tools such as candles, stones, salts and oils. If requested, a tarot or medicine card spread can be part of this Spiritual Remedy Consultation. You may also bring your personal stones and crystals (or other spiritual tools) to this session to be cleared/cleansed. By appointment at any time and walk-ins welcome when scheduled to do readings in a store or an event.
The different readings typically provided include:
3 card quick readings typically 5 minutes. Cost: $5.00 Go to Shopping Cart
15 minute readings. This is geared to be a quick reading for simple questions. I use a nine standing stones spread for this reading which flows well from past to future and can be read quickly but with some in depth information. Cost: $10.00 Go to Shopping Cart
30 minute readings. Average length of reading. I will choose the spread by my discretion and will/may use additional cards to get in depth answers to additional questions original reading could bring up. Cost: $25.00 Go to Shopping Cart
1 hr or more. This is for extended reading for in depth info being asked. Depending on the requested reading different layouts can/will be used at my discretion to assist to get to the bottom of the questions asked. Cost: $1.00per minute. This charge will need to be worked out with wanderingfreespirit prior to the reading and a custom Paypal charge created.
The readings you will receive are from non-standard decks and may not resemble too closely the typical tarot reading. Very animal and elemental spirit based, centering around the shifts and changes that are occurring in the questions within your life. I typically charge 1$/min for readings, but if I'm working in a store or an event these costs may/can change slightly to reflect the space or for marketing/promotional of the event or store.